Listed below are some frequently asked questions. Click here for a downloadable PDF version.

What is AUXCOMM?

AUXCOMM is an abbreviation for “auxiliary communications.” It was developed by OEC in 2009. The concept was to educate amateur radio entities to work and train with public safety personnel, understand the value of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) concept and the role of the communications unit leader (COML). In May 2019, the AUXCOMM position was officially recognized as part of the Incident Command System (ICS) under the Communications Unit as AUX-C.


What is Georgia AUXCOMM?

In Georgia, the AUX-C position is recognized by GEMA to support auxiliary communications at the State Operations Center (SOC) and for official deployments requiring auxiliary communications. Georgia AUXCOMM has been formed to provide GEMA with trained communicators and provide information, ongoing training and support for AUXCOMM operators in the state. Georgia AUXCOMM is a separate organization from GEMA, but will receive direction from GEMA and provide communications support.


What is the Mission and Purpose of Georgia AUXCOMM?

The mission of Georgia AUXCOMM is to create a team of qualified auxiliary communicators, provide training and information supporting the Incident Command System and our primary served agency, Georgia Emergency Management Agency. The purpose of Georgia AUXCOMM is to promote, support, and lead emergency communications activities that support community needs.


How is AUXCOMM different from ARES?

Most AUXCOMM amateurs are also a part of a local ARES organization but have chosen to obtain additional training and certification to be able to support the GEMA State Operations Center (SOC) or to be deployed as a part of a Communications Unit for an official event. ARES members will always be needed at the local level to provide support to their local served agencies and will communicate with AUXCOMM operators at the SOC to provide valuable information during events. In short, AUXCOMM tends to have a state mission while ARES tends to focus on a local mission. Both organizations work together to provide communications assistance that supports community needs.


How does one obtain the AUXCOMM (AUXC) certification?

There are two primary requirements to obtain the AUXC certification. The first is to complete the U.S. Department of Homeland Security / CISA two-day AUXCOMM class. Classes are held around the country on a periodic basis, including here in Georgia through the Georgia Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (GEMA). The second requirement is to complete the National Qualification System Position Task Book (PTB) for Auxiliary Communicator (AUXC).


When is the next AUXCOMM class?

Classes here in Georgia are scheduled on a periodic basis and are subject to interest, time availability, trainer availability, and funding. Keep up with Georgia AUXCOMM by subscribing to our monthly newsletter and following our social media accounts (see below) for details on upcoming classes.


How can I join Georgia AUXCOMM?

Although it’s not a club, Georgia AUXCOMM is legally incorporated as Georgia AuxComm, Inc. – a non-profit Georgia corporation that has made application to be an IRS 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Georgia AUXCOMM does have members. Prospective members are required to have attended the AUXC class and be approved for membership by the Georgia AUXCOMM Board of Directors. Prospective members are not required to have completed their AUXC PTB but should be working towards its completion. Being a member of Georgia AUXCOMM will assist members in being given opportunities for PTB sign-off. Annual dues of $30 are required to be a member in good standing. Stay tuned for more information.


When and where does Georgia AUXCOMM meet?

Georgia AUXCOMM believes in the importance of training and keeping one’s skills honed. Monthly training meetings are held on the last Thursday of the month and cover a wide variety of practical communication skills and topics. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, meetings are open to the public and currently held online. You can find out the latest information about meetings by following our online social media feeds (see below).


What is Georgia AUXCOMM doing about the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency?

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, we are currently supporting GEMA as WX4GMA to receive reports on any utility outages on HF, DSTAR REF030B, Winlink, and D-RATS. If you would like to participate as an AUXCOMM operator from your home operating as WX4GMA, please contact Operations Chief James Rakestraw, KI4NIV at ki4niv@gaauxcomm.org for more information and scheduling.


Where can I find out more about Georgia AUXCOMM?

Georgia AUXCOMM maintains high visibility within the community through various online outlets.


Who can I contact for more information about Georgia AUXCOMM?

Please direct all general questions and press inquiries to Georgia AUXCOMM PIO Joe Domaleski, KI4ASK, at ki4ask@gaauxcomm.org